Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Luv-a-Lot Daycare- the NEW location!

I was so super excited to finally have an area in my house that is totally separate from our living space! As the kids are getting older, we all found it difficult keeping them happy with little whipper snappers around them all the time.  SOOO we found a fantastic space that has a huge daycare area with a kitchen in it!  Here are some pictures so far of the space:

 The full view of the daycare from the front entrance way.
 The little cubbies and welcome area.
 Welcome area white board.
 Circle Time area (with music and theme discovery). Hoping to get a circle mat too!
 Building Centre!
 Little People Centre!
 Free Art Table!
 Drama Centre!
 Reading Nook
 My gated in Kitchen!
 Eating area!
 View from the other end of the daycare

 Outdoor area.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Looks AWESOME!!! Loving that it has a kitchen!!

Mendi Yoshikawa said...

Oh my goodness! This must be a dream come true for you. I know how much I would have loved having you for day care--Looks like so much fun playing to be had in this fun space! :)