Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A nerd, like me!

I am so proud of my daughter Jordan! We were sent home a note from her teacher last week, saying she was going to get an award at the end of the year awards ceremony, so of course, I arranged to be there with bells on!

I had no idea, but Jordan got the highest academic average in her grade! I am so proud of her!! The best part is Jordan had no idea I was going to be there, and was shocked to see me there! It was too cute! Here is her all proud:

Also, my friend Deanna took some pictures of my darling little Taylor for her first birthday, and here is just one photo of my sweetie!


Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

proud of your daughter, such a precious smile and adore your cards today on the Momenta blog!

Rebecca Keppel said...

That is awesome! Congrats to Jordan! And both girls are so adorable!