Sunday, December 15, 2013

Insipiration Elevator Reveal!

You may recall that the purpose of the Inspiration Elevator challenge group is to take our scrapbooking to the next level, to stretch our creative process and to mature as artists by embracing challenges that make us think, work and grow. You can view all of the challenges at the Inspiration Elevator Blog.
We are thrilled to welcome guest artist Christy Riopel to Inspiration Elevator this month. You may recognize her work as she is a regular contributor/write for Canadian Scrapbooker magazine.  
December's challenge for us and for you comes from the uber prolific Laurel Seabrook. Here's the challenge she posed: 
My challenge for December. I love Christmas, everything about it. Decorating my house, making gifts, baking - I love it all. My challenge to you is what is Christmas to you? What is one thing that evokes special memories and truly brings out the Christmas spirit for you. It could be a decoration, photo, song, recipe. Perhaps it is a tradition that you did as a child and now your children do. Maybe it is in the 'special' dinnerware that comes out only at Christmas. Scrap it and tell us all about it. Now for those who don't celebrate Christmas, let's hear about a tradition that makes your celebration special.

I loved this challenge! Not because I had to scrap another Christmas photo, but it made me think about what really makes me happy at Christmas time. What really puts me the Christmas Spirit.  I think it has actually changed over the years, but since I have had kids, nothing gets me more in the Christmas Spirit than the excitement and joy on my kids faces as Christmas gets closer and closer! I especially love that special moment when they see Santa. I LOVE THAT!!! This year Taylor told me that Santa was her Best Friend. :)... Doesn't that just warm your heart?!  I know their will come a time when the kids will no longer believe, but until then, that magic of Santa will always spark my Christmas Spirit! (Thanks for the Challenge Laurel!)
Here is the layout I created using some older MME paper and embellies. 

 Some detailed shots too:

Would you like to see what the rest of our designers, and our guest designer, created with this challenge? Of course you would, so here are the links to each one's blog:
Guest designer: Christy Riopel
I hope you feel inspired to play along with our challenge this month, and when you do, please share it using the linky tool on our Inspiration Elevator blog and/or our Inspiration Elevator Facebook page. We'd LOVE to see what you made!


Laurel said...

This is amazing! I love it!

Cathy said...

Love this too and adore that Santa is her best friend! So cute!

Tracey said...

This is just adorable!! Love your page!!

Christa said...

This us lovely! I love hearing bout your journey. The little pics up top are ingeniously placed and the divided background really adds to the flow You are amazing! Happy Christmas my friend!

Ann Jobes said...

Your details make this page - the flair, the 2-toned bakers twine, all just so fun. Great page and story.

Lisa Spiegel said...

Oh my gosh..I love the design of this layout...all your details are just perfect to tell your story.

Anonymous said...

Your little ones make my heart warm!!! Great layout!

Unknown said...

such a precious page and great memory!

Joanne said...

I love this page design and your photos are just too precious! What a great Christmas tradition to document!
Joanne xo

LisaM said...

That is my favorite Christmas line and I love what you did with it! I love that Santa is her best friend. Great design and fabulous page!